Buy the Books

You can get both of my books at most major online book retailers, but I’d love it if you could support indepentendent booksellers when buying. Below I’ve listed some of my favorites that I know carry my books, and if you want to reach out with other indie bookstores that carry them I’d be happy to add to the listing!

Where to buy?

Powell’s - An absolute PDX institution, and the true World of Books. Powell’s is one of my favorite bookstores in the world and a place where I have often lost myself for hours on end.

Third Place Books - My local bookstore in Seattle, and an all around amazing community resource. Third Place is more than just a place to buy and sell books, they aim to be the “third place” alongside work and home where we can connect with and build community. - Buy from and you can make sure that your favorite local bookstore gets a cut of the profits. This page includes not only my own books, but a selection of other great CS ed books that I personally recommend. Even if your favorite local doesn’t carry my books, you can likely funnel them the commission through bookshop. And then after you’ve done that, ask them kindly to stock my books :)