About the Author

Josh Caldwell, K-12 CS Educator

Hey all, thanks for checking out my site (and hopefully my books too!) I’m a recovering middle school teacher with a passion for fun, engaging, and equity-focused CS education. I currently work on CS education efforts for Google in Seattle after a few years with them in Berlin Germany spent working on global CS education. Prior to my time at Google, I lead the curriculum team at Code.org in the development of all kinds of great CS curricula. I’ve been out of the classroom for a few years now, and I love any opportunity I can find to work with other educators and educational leaders to develop powerful, accessible, and transformative Computer Science learning experiences for all kinds of students.

Get In Touch

I’m always happy to hear any feedback, opportunities for collaboration, or just cool CS stuff you’re doing. Hit me up at josh@creativecodingbook.com - I’d particularly love to see what your students make with the projects and ideas from my books, so please don’t be shy!